I help people who feel STUCK or UNFULFILLED to discover the gems and power of who they TRULY are, so
they can find their passion, own their gifts, increase their earnings, and upgrade their influence to impact the world!



Lisa Niel Inspiring Hearts is a personal and professional development company that helps individuals and organizations explore and become who they truly are, so that they can find their passion, own their gifts, increase their earnings, and upgrade their influence to impact the world! Lisa Niel Inspiring Hearts is a personal and professional development company that helps individuals and organizations explore and become who they truly are, so that they can find their passion, own their gifts, increase their earnings, and upgrade their influence to impact the world!


How to uncover, unlock, and unleash the powerful essence of who YOU truly are, so that you can experience the passion, joy, and freedom of a life that is UNABASHED & UNSTOPPABLE!


  • People who are unfulfilled in what they are doing or where they are.
  • People who are living in survival mode – going through life without purpose & direction.
  • People who have hit a ceiling in their work, profession, industry, income, or passion to do what they love.
  • People who are in school and have lost a true sense of identity and freedom that is aligned with their values and passions.
  • People who are feel depleted and empty while pouring all they have into their children and family.
  • People who wrestling with destructive patterns of the past, and who are hungry for a clear and consistent path to recovery.
  • People who are struggling in their relationship with God, and wanting to know that He is there and is at work in their lives.


  • They feel burdened – emotionally bruised and unable to escape the pain of the past.
  • They feel unfilled in what they are doing and lack the commitment or passion that would mirror their hearts desire.
  • They feel bullied by their circumstances or by life in general and are just trying to survive from one day to the next.
  • They feel lost or unfocused going through life without purpose & direction.
  • They feel drowned out or dismissed and struggle to gain respect and influence.
  • They feel isolated and alone and are hungry for connection and to be affirmed.
  • They feel unloved, unforgiven or unnoticed and a nagging heaviness of guilt or shame.
  • They feel like they’ve been dissed: dissatisfied, disengaged, disillusioned, discouraged, disenfranchised, or just disappointed with where they are, where they’ve been, or where they’re going.
  • They feel stuck or still searching for answers to the most invaluable questions that can be asked: Who are you and Why are you here???


Because there is an URGENT PAIN POINT in their personal and professional lives, and I provide a bridge that takes them from that PAIN to where they want to be – THAT DREAM PROMISE LAND END RESULT WHERE THEY WOULD RATHER BE VS. where they are right now…in other words, “from pain to promise.”


Through a powerful journey called UNABASHED & UNSTOPPABLE – a 12-week online course that covers Six “U’s on the pathway to the NEW “YOU.” Those Six “U’s” are ACTION STEPS:

  1. Unpack – old ‘eats’ the unwanted baggage of your emotions, attitudes, and thoughts for a power journey of Renewing the Mind.
  2. Unload – old weights – old thinking, old habits, and old messages that have not served you but instead have kept you stuck in unproductive cycles or destructive patterns.
  3. Unblock – the path to creating neural pathways that systematically guide you to the best version of yourself – to the “you” you were created to be.
  4. Uncover – the true desires of your heart and passion for an authentic expression of your vision and purpose.
  5. Unlock – the hidden gems of your gifts & talents that bring awareness and meaning to your true calling.
  6. Unleash – the essence of who you truly are with courage and confidence for a global impact.


  • You CAN Become the UNDENIABLE, UNSHAKABLE, UNBREAKABLE, AND UNSTOPPABLE YOU that you truly are, so that you can live the life you were meant to live!
  • In order to become all those things…to really embrace, internalize, and to be intentional in living it, you have to be UNABASHED and know that you’re worth it, that you deserve it, that you were born for it! That’s the ONLY way you can flesh it out!
  • I now KNOW who I am and WHY I am here! I am because of it, I am UNABASHED AND UNSTOPPABLE! It’s a powerful journey that gets better and better, taking me to new heights with new opportunities….and I want to invite YOU on this journey with me. Discover the NEW YOU in 90 days! A transformational journey that uncovers, unlocks, and unleashes the powerful essence of who you truly are!

Attention Women of Faith!

Unlock and Uncover the powerful essence of who YOU truly are so that you can experience the passion, joy, and freedom of a life that is UNABASHED & UNSTOPPABLE!