Academic & Advisory
PROGRAM KEYNOTESTake charge of your education by utilizing your best assets — creativity in designing your academic program, accountability in establishing supportive partnerships, and intentionality in leveraging your resources to maximize your potential and secure your success.
Inspiring Hearts academic programs are for students at every level of education — in university, college, trade school, high school, or elementary school — who lead, are emerging to lead, aspiring to lead, or don’t even know they can lead, Whether you are a graduate student or a fifth grader, our seminars, workshops, and trainings are uniquely designed to help students discover their gifts, talents, and abilities while aligning their capacity with their passions — in order to establish the internal congruence necessary for a meaningful academic experience and a successful career.
Inspiring messages and conference keynotes for students
- Who are You and Why You’re Here? – A transformational process of self-discovery to unlock, uncover, and unleash the essence of who you truly are.
- Get er’ Done! – Discerning and overcoming distractions by creating a “Time Budget” that keeps you accountable, aware, and ahead of the deadline with a laser focus that will “get er’ done!
- Outgrow Your Patterns – Breaking free from destructive patterns before they break us and before we break others.
- Overcoming Adversity – Finding strength in weakness, faith in despair, courage in fear, and purpose in pain.
- The Flip Side of Fear – This course is about identifying the False Expectations Appearing Real in your thought process, feelings and decision making so that you are free to be fully you.
- You are What you EAT – Emotions, Attitudes & Thoughts
- “The Battle Within” — How to Smash Small Thinking – conquering the 3 C’s — Complaining, Comparison, and Complacency, by creating new neural pathways that lead to victorious living and outcomes.